Single-shell acquisitions and AMURA

This software contains the AMURA module for MATLAB, aimed at the analysis of single-shell, HARDI-like dMRI data sets. All the methods here presented are described in the following papers:
- S Aja-Fernández, R de Luis-García, M Afzali, M Molendowska, T Pieciak, Micro-structure diffusion scalar measures from reduced MRI acquisitions, PloS one 15 (3), e0229526 2020
- S Aja-Fernández, A Tristán-Vega, D Jones, Apparent Propagator Anisotropy from reduced Diffusion MRI acquisitions, bioRxiv, 798892 2019
The matlab toolbox with an example can be downloaded [here].
A volume to run the example (extracted from the Human Connectome Project database MGH_1007) can be downloaded from [here].
Questions must be addressed to Santiago Aja-Fernádez