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García-Pérez, V., A. Tristán-Vega, S. Aja-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Homeomorphic Geometrical Transform for Collision Response in Surgical Simulation", Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 433–440, 2013.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Hierarchical fuzzy systems with FITM", Fuzzy Systems, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on, vol. 2: IEEE, pp. 767–772, 2004.
Sanz-Estébanez, S., J. Royuela-del-Val, T. Sevilla-Ruiz, A. Revilla-Orodea, S. Aja-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Harmonic Auto-Regularization for Non Rigid Groupwise Registration in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging.", Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica 2016, Valencia, Spain, 11/2016.
Cordero-Grande, L., S. Merino-Caviedes, R. de Luis-García, S. Aja-Fernández, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Groupwise myocardial alignment in magnetic resonance perfusion sequences", Proc of the XXIX CASEIB, Cáceres, Spain, pp. 437–440, 2011.
Cordero-Grande, L., S. Merino-Caviedes, S. Aja-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Groupwise elastic registration by a new sparsity-promoting metric: application to the alignment of cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion images", Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 35, no. 11: IEEE, pp. 2638–2650, 2013.
Sanz-Estébanez, S., Ó. Peña-Nogales, R. de Luis-García, S. Aja-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration on Multiparametric Abdominal DWI Acquisitions for Robust ADC Estimation: Comparison with Pairwise Approaches and Different Multimodal Metrics", International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI2017), Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
Simmross-Wattenberg, F., C. Palacios-Camarero, P. Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, M. Angel Martin-Fernandez, S. Aja-Fernández, J. Ruiz-Alzola, C-F. Westin, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Group-Slicer: A collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 38, pp. 431–442, 2005.
Planchuelo-Gómez, Á., D. García-Azorín, Á. L. Guerrero, S. Aja-Fernández, M. Rodríguez, R. Moro, and R. de Luis-García, "Gray matter cortical changes in patients with persistent headache after COVID-19 infection: an exploratory study", International Headache Congress 2021, Virtual Congress, International Headache Society & European Headache Federation, 2021.
Planchuelo-Gómez, Á., D. García-Azorín, Á. L. Guerrero, M. Rodríguez, S. Aja-Fernández, and R. de Luis-García, "Gray Matter Structural Alterations in Chronic and Episodic Migraine: A Morphometric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study", Pain Medicine, vol. 21, issue 11, pp. 2997-3011, 2020.
Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, G., S. Aja-Fernández, C. Palencia, and M. Martin-Fernandez, "A Generalized Gamma Mixture Model for Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization", Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, vol. 2012: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012.
Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, G., J. Seabra, O. Rodriguez-Leor, A. Serrano-Vida, S. Aja-Fernández, C. Palencia, M. Martin-Fernandez, and J. Sanches, "Gamma mixture classifier for plaque detection in intravascular ultrasonic images", Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 44–61, 2014.
Tristán-Vega, A., and S. Aja-Fernández, "Fuzzy regularisation of deformation fields in image registration", Proc. IPMU, pp. 1223–30, 2008.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fuzzy feedback system analysis using transition matrices", Fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 157, no. 4: Elsevier, pp. 516–543, 2006.
Aja-Fernández, S., C. Alberola-Lopez, and J. Ruiz-Alzola, "Fuzzy anisotropic diffusion for speckle filtering", Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings.(ICASSP'01). 2001 IEEE International Conference on, vol. 2: IEEE, pp. 1261–1264, 2001.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fuzzy Granules as a Basic Word Representation for Computing with Words", 9th Conference Speech and Computer, 2004.
Curiale, A. H., A. Haak, G. Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, B. Ren, S. Aja-Fernández, and J. G. Bosch, "Fully Automatic Detection of Salient Features in 3-D Transesophageal Images", Ultrasound in medicine & biology, vol. 40, issue 12: Elsevier, pp. 2868-2884, 07/2014.
Planchuelo-Gómez, Á., S. Aja-Fernández, D. García-Azorín, Á. L. Guerrero, and R. de Luis-García, "Fewer number of gradient directions in diffusion MRI can be counterbalanced with higher sample size: a migraine clinical study", ISMRM 28th annual meeting, vol. 4550, 2020.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fast inference using transition matrices: An extension to nonlinear operators", Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 13, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 478–490, 2005.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fast inference in SAM fuzzy systems using transition matrices", Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 12, no. 2: IEEE, pp. 170–182, 2004.
Ramos-Llorden, G., G. Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, S. Aja-Fernández, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fast Anisotropic Speckle Filter for Ultrasound Medical Images", XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013: Springer International Publishing, pp. 253–256, 2013.
