Pablo Casaseca, PhD

Full Professor (Catedrático de Universidad) with the ETSI Telecomunicación,
Universidad de Valladolid
Research Affiliate, LPI (Valladolid, SPAIN)
ETSI de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Valladolid
Campus Miguel Delibes. Paseo Belén 15. 47011. Valladolid (SPAIN)
Tel: (+34) 983 185591
Short Bio:
Pablo Casaseca's research interests are signal & image processing and analysis, statistical signal and image modelling, machine learning, and computer vision, with applications to different fields, includingy telecommunications, smart transportation, UAVs and biomedical engineering. He has published more than 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters with +950 citations. 35 of these papers are published in journals indexed in SCI Journal Citation Reports (15 Q1 and 18 Q2). Additionally, he has participated in more than 50 research projects and contracts at European, national and regional level, with a cumulative budget over 4 M€ (principal investigator in 20 of them, 800k€ as PI). Many of them are multidisciplinary research projects involving partners from Academia, Industry, and the Public Sector; He is also a reviewer for several scientific journals such as IEEE Sensors and Magnetic Resonance Imaging and has participated as a committee member in a number of international conferences in his research field.