Juan Ignacio Arribas, PhD

Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Valladolid, E.T.S.I. Telecomunicacion,
47011 Valladolid, Spain
Phone: +34 983423000 Fax: +34 983423667
e-mail: myemail@myemail.domain.es
Member Castilla-Leon Institute of Neuroscience (INCYL), University of Salamanca, Spain
Editorial Board Member Scientific Data journal (Nature Portfolio)
Publications of Juan Ignacio Arribas: [by year]
[Scopus] [Orcid] [WOS] [WOS-2] [IEEE Xplore] [Researchgate] [Google Scholar]
Short Bio:
Juan Ignacio Arribas (PhD) received the MSc and PhD degrees both in Electrical Engineering from the University of Valladolid, Spain, in 1996 and 2001. In 1997 he was an FPI Postgraduate Research Fellow at the Department of Science, Spain. Since 1999, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Valladolid. During 1998 and 2009, he was a Visiting Research Associate at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA. In 2010 he visited the Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
His research interests include: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Expert Systems and their applications to Cybersecurity, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics and Food Science.
Dr. Arribas is a Member of Castilla-Leon Institute of Neuroscience (INCYL), University of Salamanca, Spain and an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Data journal (Nature Portfolio).